Thought processes: " The abstraction, as a research domain, remains a space of freedom where it expresses with intensity the poetry and the emotion which inspires the informal, it is sometimes translated by a constructive interpretation of the gestual chaos in which eventually we can find some, symbolic of life, abstracted " figures " .
It is indeed a question of organizing a lyric spontanéîté and of gathering the conception and the shape. Sometimes the first gesture is just in its aesthetic value without loosing its thought. Much more often the chaos gets organized spontaneously before the artist brings his own effort of reconstruction, here is the mystery which entrains the artist to pursue his research to understand " why autoorganization?". Does it result from a cultural transmission? But rest to understand the chaos of this cultural transmission which was never planned and possesses multiple previous histories, transmission also gets autoorganized to reduce its variety and become efficace.
An impression for the artist of creation of a "life" appears, a history which reproduces from work to work, which he hopes to pass on to the spectator. The painter becomes an architect, isn't it the essence of the abstract creation?
In conclusion there is no opposition between lyric (expression) and geometry ( the aesthetic factor), between the concept (the thought) and the shape "